1. 成为复杂文本的批判性读者.

Students learn to read and interpret primary psychology research literature, 心理学入门, 心理学导论. 这些复杂的文本包括相关的支持数据, 复杂的方法, 还有详细的图表. 在这个介绍的基础上, 学生学习阅读和解释研究文章, 包括图表, 表, and statistical analyses through the sequence of Psy221 (Research Design and Analysis), 至少3门核心课程(200级), 3门高级(300 - 400级)课程, 一个高级练习.

2. 发展研究和分析技能.

All majors in 心理学 are required to take 心理学 221, Research Design and Analysis. 这门课有授课和实验两部分. The lecture portion of the course is devoted to learning basic statistics and counts toward the college Numerical and Symbolic Reasoning distribution requirement. The sequence of courses required to complete the psychology major assures that in one of more of these courses, students develop research and analytical skills in several possible ways:

  • 组织并制定研究计划;
  • examine primary research and lead a discussion which interprets the paper by extending beyond the specific information presented in the paper
  • formulate questions, which extend into implications of the research or future research directions
  • 运用科学的探究方法提出问题, 收集数据来帮助回答这个问题, and make sense of the data using statistical analysis tools
  • 设计和运行基础科学实验, in some of these the results of which are not predetermined. Students contribute to these laboratory experiments using information derived from primary literature sources, and test a hypothesis by gathering data using appropriate psychological research techniques including behavioral observation and quantification, 调查技术, 以及基于计算机的认知测试

3. Learn and practice effective strategies for working both independently and collaboratively.

Some of the work is independent (see other 学习目标). Group cooperation and collaboration in the design and performance of laboratory experiments is coupled with individual analysis and reporting of results. 超越实验室实验, students work collaboratively in several possible ways among our courses: In some cases, several students are assigned as discussion leaders for each week. Students work in pairs to develop a research proposal that mimics the type of collaboration found in science. In some cases students also collaborate on the presentation. Students work in small groups on several projects throughout the semester. Students organize and present a special research symposium, which is open to the campus community.

4. 培养清晰沟通的能力, 前后一致地, 而且书面和口头表达能力都很好.

We foster a variety of opportunities for students to develop their written and oral communication skills:

  • 学生写全面的实验报告
  • students may present their results in a Powerpoint presentation and defend their findings as well as their methodologies in a question- and-answer session
  • students write laboratory reports in a format typical of the format used in peer reviewed scientific journals. Students may also present results in poster form or through oral class presentation conforming to standards typically required at symposia of professional scientific societies

Overall, we encourage class participation, and exam questions aim to go beyond the basic information. 考试和其他作业是多种多样的, and questions range from multiple choice to essays to diagrams to enable students to integrate information and articulate clearly what they have learned.

Students in psychology are required to take 3 courses in the category that we call “Advanced.” The Department has designated all of the Advanced courses as Writing Intensive.

5. 掌握定量分析技能.

Quantitative skills are acquired through and required for data analysis, making solutions and measurements using laboratory equipment, as some examples; data collection is incorporated into nearly all exercises with analysis and interpretation reported in subsequent laboratory reports. Quantitative skills are also required to understand the specific content of some courses. 在心理学中,这与上面的第二条密切相关.

6. 培养科学素养.

Scientific literacy in the 心理学 Major has both intellectual and experimental components. Intellectually, to access primary scientific research, students will 1. identify the central hypothesis or goal; 2. understand the basics of the experimental approach; 3. articulate the critical findings; 4. articulate the implications of this research Experimentally, students learn hands-on science in a research laboratory – how to collect, 分析和解释数据.

7. Cultivate the ability to make informed ethical judgments.

All laboratory exercises and faculty research involving people are conducted in accord with the guidelines of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Because all students and faculty members involved in research with humans must take a tutorial online and pass a test, we have decided to incorporate this into the Research Design and Analysis course (Psy 221) to insure that all students have passed this requirement by the time they are involved in research in their junior and senior years.

8. Acquire knowledge of diverse cultural traditions and global perspectives.

There are courses on culture and psychology within Developmental 心理学 and Social 心理学 in the Department. We intend to reinforce these themes by including them as parts of a wider range of our courses.

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